Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Never enough time....

I am exhausted! No reason for this really, except I look ahead to the next two days and know I have SOOOO much to do. I could stay up studying for the next 48 hours and it still won't be enough for the test I have to take on Friday. This is my sad story.

On a happy note: My mom and dad and friends, Tim and Sheila, will be getting to Chicago on Sunday. I am excited to have a fun weekend with them and my worries will be temporarily over at that time. Oh Happy Day!!

Friday, February 22, 2008

I have always wanted to start a journal again....

Does this count? I guess if I really don't mind if other people read what I have on my mind I can count this as whatever I want. I don't really feel I have anything earth shattering in my thoughts, but it is nice to be able to express myself and typing is a heck of a lot more efficient than writing it all down, plus, with typing I don't have to worry about wanting to go back and rewrite it because I wasn't neat enough the first time around. Yea, I actually did that in my original diary, which I will never was red with Lucy from the Peanuts on the cover, it was a gift from my dad that he got for me when he went to Welding School for two weeks in Kansas City when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade. I remember that as one of the first times my dad was away from home for an extended period of time. It felt like it was FOREVER! 2 WHOLE WEEKS! Whew!

So I have a feeling that if I keep up with this blogging thing it will turn into a lot of memory recollections and the occassional day in the life of I guess if one finds my life interesting they may decide to come back a time or two....